Sikhism quiz: Embark on a vibrant journey through Sikhism with our captivating quiz

Sikhism Quiz Extravaganza! ⚔️ Embark on a vibrant journey through Sikhism with our captivating quiz! Motivate your child for participate, so they can understand about your religion.

Sikhism Quiz

Quiz on Sikhism faith and lifestyle

Sikhism Quiz Competition

Must login before quiz for track your performance and download certificate.

1 / 5

What was the original name of Guru Gobind Singh's wife?

2 / 5

Which Guru established the city of Anandpur?

3 / 5

What is the name of the Sikh place of worship?

4 / 5

When did Guru Nanak live?

5 / 5

When is Vaisakhi celebrated by Sikhs?

Score card of Sikhism knolwedge

1Harjasleen Randhawa100 %5
3Talwinder singh100 %5
6Ramandeep Kaur100 %5
7Shirisha T100 %5
9Ana80 %4
11Dr.K.KANT80 %4
12Farheen Khan80 %4
14Bheema Bhat60 %3
15Aishwarya goyal60 %3
16Suhani mehra40 %2
17Rishika Walia40 %2
18Panpatil Ambeshkumar Panditbhai20 %1
20Vishwajit Pawar20 %1

Test your knowledge in all things Sikhi:

? Sikh Gurus: Unravel the legacy of the Ten Gurus, their teachings, and historical significance.
☬ Sikh Scriptures: Delve into the depths of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and other sacred texts.
⚔️ Sikh History: Explore key events, battles, and figures that shaped Sikhism’s path.
??‍♀️?? Sikh Practices and Traditions: Understand the significance of Kesh, Kara, Langar, and more.
?? Sikh Culture: Discover the beauty of Punjabi language, music, art, and festivals.
Choose your adventure!

✨ English Quiz with Answers: Brush up on your basics and ace the quiz in classic English.
? Punjabi Quiz with Answers: Sing your knowledge with this vibrant quiz in the melodious Punjabi language.
? Hindi Quiz with Answers: Expand your reach with this Hindi quiz, perfect for sharing with loved ones.
? Quizizz Challenge: Compete with friends and the world in this interactive online platform.
? Sikh History Quiz (Punjabi): Master the milestones of Sikh history with this Punjabi-specific quiz.
? 10 Guru Quiz: Go in-depth with the lives and teachings of each Guru in this dedicated quiz.
No matter your level, there’s a quiz for you!

So, are you ready to unleash your inner Sikh scholar?

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh!