
My Quiz History and Certificate

You will see your quiz details and certificate link for download when you logged.

You must log in to see your results.

FAQ of Quiz Dashboard

Q1: Why my quiz details is not showing in my dashboard?

Answer: There are may be 3 reason for not showing your quiz details.
i) You have not login before start quiz. Quiz details will view only when you have logged through your google account.
ii) You have logged in another Gmail account
iii) We delete quiz data time to time, mainly 3 reasons. (a) Passed with Wrong/Malpractice (b) Attempted same quiz on multiple times (b) Delete previous quiz certificate after few months.

Q2: Why need google account for my dashboard?

Answer: We keep Quiz Ranker website clean and easy. Google has widely used in whole world and follow best security measure. So you can use any one your google account. Its safe and secure. We don’t store any password on QuizRanker web server. You never disclose your password for our website. So your google account will safe.

Q3: Can I participate in monthly quiz contest without google account.

Answer: Yes! You can participate in monthly quiz contest without sign-up but you should use as registered user for track your progress and download certificate after quiz completion.