Estonia Independence Day Quiz

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Test your knowledge of Estonia history with National Day quiz! This fun and educational quiz about Estonia is open to all citizens and admirers of the country. Participants will reinforce their patriotism and learn new facts about Estonia. Finish the quiz and receive a certificate of achievement. Join today to celebrate Estonia Independence Day Quiz!

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Estonia Independence Day Quiz

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1 / 5

1. What traditional Estonian food is a rye bread often served with various toppings like fish, cheese, or vegetables?

2 / 5

2. What event does Estonia's Independence Day commemorate?

3 / 5

3. What is the predominant religion in Estonia?

4 / 5

4. Which country shares the longest land border with Estonia?

5 / 5

5. When is Estonia's Independence Day celebrated?

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Score card of Estonia Independence Day Quiz

1Bheema Bhat80 %4