Test Your Hurricane Helene Knowledge

Test Your Hurricane Helene Knowledge

Hurricane Helene recently made headlines as it churned its way through the Atlantic. But how closely were you paying attention? This 10-question quiz will test your knowledge of Hurricane Helene, covering everything from its category and path to important safety tips. Think you’re a hurricane expert? Let’s find out!

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Hurricane Helene: How Much Do You Know?

1 / 5

1. What is a hurricane watch?

2 / 5

2. In what month did Hurricane Helene make landfall in the US?

3 / 5

3. What is the term for a rise in sea level caused by a hurricane?

4 / 5

4. What category hurricane was Helene at its peak intensity?

5 / 5

5. Besides wind, what is another major hazard associated with hurricanes?

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Whether you aced the quiz or learned some new facts along the way, remember that hurricane preparedness is crucial. Stay informed about potential storms in your area and always follow the guidance of local authorities.

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