Russia IQ National Level Championship Quiz 2024

Russia National Level IQ Test Challenge: Average IQ Score of Russia

Are you a citizen of Russia? If so, you can participate in the National IQ Test Competition at the Russia level. No Registration and No Fee. Simply login with google account for start and get certificate instantly. You can download your IQ National Certificate and view your name in the National Level IQ Test of Russia Ranking.

Must check and get certificate for these quiz

Russia IQ Challenge Quiz

Must comments your IQ score with #IamQuizRanker and share on social media.

Russia IQ National Level Championship

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5 / 20

A student is facing either north or south. If the student turns 90 degrees to her right, then 180 degrees to her left, and then another 90 degrees to her right, in which direction is she now facing?

6 / 20

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9 / 20

Rearrange the letters of the word "LISTEN" to form a new word. What is it?

10 / 20

11 / 20

The set of six numbers at the top corresponds to the set of six numbers. Similarly, the two sets of six boxes on the left share the same relationship as the two sets of six boxes on the right. Consequently, which set of numbers should replace the question marks?

12 / 20

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15 / 20

If "SUN" is coded as "21-19-14," what would "MOON" be coded as?

16 / 20

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19 / 20

Which of the following numbers does not belong in the series?
8, 27, 64, 125, 216

20 / 20

Insert/ReCheck Full Name and Valid email id for result and certificate.

National Level IQ Test of Russia Ranking

CountryAverage IQ Level of Russia and Global
Russia IQ Average Level60 to 100. *Calculating and actual average will display soon.
Global IQ Score98 as per international level IQ test
Note: This IQ Score is based on (QuizRanker National as well as Global IQ Test series + World major iq portal). Share with your friends and motivate for attempt with high score for Increase Russia IQ Average Score.
1makhlouf fadi75 %150
4Satish D Kulkarni50 %100
5Yugen Vora40 %80

FAQ of National Level of Russia IQ Test

Q1: Can I take print my National Level of Russia IQ Test Certificate?

Ans: Yes! you can download and take print out your National Level of Russia IQ Test Certificate.

Q2: Can I share and Link in my social profile?

Ans: Yes! You can share and link in your social profile and show your IQ Level to your friends and world.

Q3: Can I participate without sign-up?

Ans: You can participate in Russia IQ test competition without any registration. But you should login with any google account and participate for track all your quiz result and download certificate if miss to download instantly.

Total Views: 5

Quiz Ranker

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