North Korea National Liberation Day Quiz Challenge with instant certificate

KoreaLiberationQuizChallenge #PatriotismThroughKnowledge #NorthKoreaIndependenceDay #NationalLiberationDayChallenge #CelebrateKoreaUnity Embark on a historical journey with the North Korea National Liberation Day Quiz Challenge! Test your knowledge on the key events, figures, and cultural significance of this momentous day. Whether you’re an expert on North Korean history or eager to learn, this interactive quiz offers an engaging way to explore the liberation and heritage of North Korea. Join now and celebrate the spirit of freedom and resilience!

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North Korea National Liberation Day Quiz

North Korea National Liberation Day Quiz

1 / 10

1. What symbol is often used in connection with National Liberation Day of Korea?

2 / 10

2. What other significant event in Korean history took place on August 15?

3 / 10

3. What symbol is often associated with the liberation from Japanese rule on National Liberation Day of Korea?

4 / 10

4. What is another name for the National Liberation Day of Korea?

5 / 10

5. Where does the official National Liberation Day ceremony usually take place in Pyongyang?

6 / 10

6. Is National Liberation Day of Korea celebrated in both North and South Korea?

7 / 10

7. Is National Liberation Day of Korea a public holiday in North Korea?

8 / 10

8. What does the National Liberation Day of Korea commemorate?

9 / 10

9. What is the meaning of the term "Gwangbok" in "Gwangbokjeol"?

10 / 10

10. What flag is raised on National Liberation Day of Korea?

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North Korea National Liberation Day Questions

These are few question for your reference.

Q1. When is the National Liberation Day of Korea celebrated in North Korea?
Q2. What does the National Liberation Day of Korea commemorate?
Q3. What is another name for the National Liberation Day of Korea?
Q4. In which year was Korea liberated from Japanese rule?
Q5. What does “Gwangbokjeol” literally translate to?
Q6. Is National Liberation Day of Korea celebrated in both North and South Korea?
Q7. What symbol is often used in connection with National Liberation Day of Korea?
Q8. How long did the Japanese occupation of Korea last?
Q9. Who was the leader of North Korea at the time of liberation from Japanese rule?
Q10. How is National Liberation Day of Korea usually marked in North Korea?
Q11. What flag is raised on National Liberation Day of Korea?
Q12. Which international event prompted the liberation of Korea?
Q13. What often takes place in Pyongyang’s Kim Il-sung Square on National Liberation Day?
Q14. Is National Liberation Day of Korea a public holiday in North Korea?
Q15. What symbol is often associated with the liberation from Japanese rule on National Liberation Day of Korea?
Q16. Which international power was instrumental in Korea’s liberation from Japanese occupation?
Q17. Where does the official National Liberation Day ceremony usually take place in Pyongyang?
Q18. Which song is often performed during the National Liberation Day of Korea celebrations?
Q19. What is the meaning of the term “Gwangbok” in “Gwangbokjeol”?
Q20. What other significant event in Korean history took place on August 15?

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