Golang skill quiz

Golang skill quiz for certificate: Boost Resume and LinkedIn Profile

Enhance your career with our free Golang skill quiz. Perfect for boosting your resume and LinkedIn profile, this comprehensive quiz covers essential Swift iOS app Development skills.

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Do you know Golang? If yes! Try Golang skill quiz and get instant certificate.

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Golang Skill Exam

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1. What is the purpose of the `go` keyword in Go?

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2. What is the purpose of the `go test` command?

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3. Which package is used for handling command-line arguments in Go?

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4. What is the purpose of the `interface{}` type in Go?

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5. What is the significance of the `iota` identifier in Go?

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6. What is the purpose of the `context` package in Go?

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7. What is the difference between `cgo` and `SWIG` in the context of Go?

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8. What is the purpose of the `select` statement in Go?

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9. Which of the following is the correct way to define a constant in Go?

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10. What is the difference between `make` and `new` in Go?

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11. What is the purpose of the `go fmt` command?

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12. How do you check if a key exists in a map?

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13. What is a "channel" in Go?

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14. What is the purpose of the `reflect` package in Go?

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15. What is the purpose of the `init` function in Go?

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16. What is the purpose of the `sync` package in Go?

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17. How does Go's garbage collector work?

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18. Which package in Go is used for testing?

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19. What is a "struct" in Go?

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20. What is the primary difference between the `encoding/json` and `encoding/gob` packages in Go?

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Courses of Golang Skill

Go is a statically typed, compiled high-level programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. It is syntactically similar to C (Check your C Knowledge Skill), but also has memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing, and CSP-style concurrency.

Learn Golang from Scott Resse

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