30 Day English Word Genius Quiz Contest: 100% free test with digital certificate 3rd Day English Word Genius Quiz Contest Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. Time: 15 Minutes for 30 Question. 3rd Day English Word Genius Quiz Contest 1. Choose the correct spelling for: brite A. bright B. brite C. brrite D. brighte 2. Choose the synonym of 'tiny' A. Huge B. Large C. Small D. Big 3. What is an antonym of 'tall'? A. High B. Short C. Deep D. Long 4. Choose the correct spelling for: acheve A. acheeve B. acheve C. achieve D. acheive 5. What is the meaning of the word 'calm'? A. Quiet B. Loud C. Busy D. Noisy 6. Choose the synonym of 'silent' A. Loud B. Quiet C. Busy D. Noisy 7. What is an antonym of 'rough'? A. Smooth B. Hard C. Bumpy D. Tough 8. What is the meaning of the word 'fix'? A. Break B. Repair C. Destroy D. Shatter 9. Choose the synonym of 'gift' A. Present B. Loan C. Debt D. Take 10. What is an antonym of 'push'? A. Move B. Force C. Shove D. Pull 11. What is an antonym of 'clean'? A. Tidy B. Dirty C. Neat D. Fresh 12. What is the meaning of the word 'float'? A. Sink B. Drift C. Fall D. Rise 13. What is the meaning of the word 'borrow'? A. Lend B. Take temporarily C. Give D. Keep 14. What is an antonym of 'arrive'? A. Depart B. Come C. Enter D. Appear 15. Choose the synonym of 'laugh' A. Giggle B. Cry C. Frown D. Sob 16. Choose the synonym of 'discover' A. Forget B. Find C. Lose D. Leave 17. Choose the correct spelling for: beleev A. beleave B. beleiv C. believe D. beleev 18. What is the meaning of the word 'trust'? A. Distrust B. Doubt C. Confidence D. Lie 19. Choose the correct spelling for: cumpany A. companey B. cumpany C. company D. compiny 20. What is the meaning of the word 'angry'? A. Happy B. Mad C. Glad D. Joyful 21. Choose the synonym of 'smart' A. Dumb B. Clever C. Slow D. Lazy 22. What is an antonym of 'cheap'? A. Expensive B. Low C. Bargain D. Sale 23. What is the meaning of the word 'brave'? A. Timid B. Fearless C. Afraid D. Shy 24. Choose the correct spelling for: diffrent A. diffrent B. differnt C. different D. defferent 25. Choose the correct spelling for: medcin A. medicen B. medison C. medcin D. medicine 26. Choose the correct spelling for: adition A. addition B. adition C. addittion D. adishon 27. Choose the synonym of 'error' A. Right B. Mistake C. Correct D. Success 28. Choose the correct spelling for: bissy A. busy B. bussy C. bisy D. bisi 29. What is the meaning of the word 'tired'? A. Rested B. Energetic C. Exhausted D. Excited 30. Choose the correct spelling for: awsome A. awsome B. awesome C. awsomee D. awesom Insert Full Name with other details for certificate and list on the rankers page/group. Full NameEmail Your score is 0% Go for 4th Day Quiz Total Views: 215 Quiz Ranker Our mission is to make educational content free and accessible to everyone. We create quizzes and study materials for both students and professional Website Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30