12th Biology Ecology Quiz

12th Biology Ecology Quiz: Online MCQ free test on ecology chapter

Are you student of 12th Biology grade or preparing any competitive exam based on 12th standard? If yes! Participate in 12th Biology Ecology Quiz for Check knowledge with instant result. Subscribe our YouTube Channel youtube.com/@QuizRankers and Study MCQ 12th Biology Quiz with question answer for better marks.

Ecology MCQ Test Quiz

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Time: 10 Minutes for 10 Question.

12th Biology: Ecology

1 / 10

1. Which of the following is an example of mutualism?

2 / 10

2. The logistic growth model differs from the exponential model in having:

3 / 10

3. A community differs from a population in having:

4 / 10

4. Resource partitioning that enables species coexistence involves:

5 / 10

5. In logistic population growth, the population initially:

6 / 10

6. Brood parasitism in birds involves:

7 / 10

7. Chemical defenses evolved by plants against herbivores include:

8 / 10

8. Important characteristics of a population include:

9 / 10

9. If a population doubles in size every 3 years, what is its intrinsic rate of increase (r)?

10 / 10

10. Biological control of pests is based on:

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1Nematullah Shaikh100 %10
2Ishaan90 %9
3Tristan Serj Acosta80 %8
4Sara70 %7
5T.Akshaya jenani60 %6

Chapter wise quiz of 12th class Biology MCQ

YouTube Video Study of Class 12th Biology MCQ

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Pankaj Karn

I’m a dedicated biology teacher specializing in online education and academic writing. Currently, I contribute to QuizRanker.org, where I create engaging and informative biology content. With an MSc degree in hand, I’m passionate about making complex biological concepts accessible and exciting for students everywhere.

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